Mayor Brian Wahler Receives Middlesex and Somerset Counties Central Labor Council, AFL-CIO Endorsement
(Piscataway) — This morning, members of the Middlesex and Somerset Counties Central Labor Council, AFL-CIO were out knocking on doors in Piscataway supporting the official Middlesex County Democratic Organization candidates in the upcoming June 4th primary. In addition to President Joe Biden, Andy Kim for Senate and Congressman Frank Pallone, Mayor Brian Wahler of Piscataway has achieved the endorsement of the Middlesex and Somerset Counties Central Labor Council, AFL-CIO. “This is a great honor and something that I am extremely proud of,” said Mayor Wahler. Both Wahler and Township Council President Gabrielle Cahill were on site this morning to kick off the labor-to-labor walks for the team.
“We are strong supporters of working people and Piscataway prides itself on being a diverse, unifying township. The township workers, whether they work in the school system, the police department, DPW or any other department in the township, are members of the community whether they live in town or not. They demonstrate care and pride in the work they are doing to make our town the best place to live and raise a family,” said Cahill.
Councilwoman Gabrielle Cahill, who is running for the At-Large Council seat, comes from a strong union family. She, along with Councilman Linwood Rouse and Councilman Kapil Shah, who are also running for At-Large Council seats, spoke about the Piscataway Community Center, which was completely union built. “The Piscataway Community Center YMCA, the shining jewel in our town, was built with one hundred percent union labor and was constructed at no expense to resident taxpayers,” continued Cahill.
During the COVID-19 pandemic not one township employee was furloughed. “The Piscataway Township Council and I worked hard to keep all township employees on the payroll, providing them with the stable income and benefits that were so badly needed at that time,” said Mayor Wahler.
In their endorsement, the Middlesex and Somerset Counties Central Labor Council, AFL-CIO stated that the endorsed candidates fight for workers and make government work for you. “The town council and I have been good stewards of our residents’ tax dollars, ensuring that Piscataway has an AA+ stable bond rating and top credit score. All while providing excellent public services,” said Mayor Wahler. Piscataway township has the second-lowest taxes in Middlesex County.
“I am so proud of the Piscataway Democratic team that I am running with. Together we are working hard to keep Piscataway moving in the right direction,” said Mayor Brian Wahler. "Come out and vote for the entire Middlesex County Democratic Organization team especially our Piscataway Democrats who deliver real results for Piscataway families." concluded Wahler. Mayor Wahler is located on the new block voting ballot design in position (5A) along with his team of Councilwoman Gabrielle Cahill (6D), Councilman Linwood Rouse (6E) and Councilman Kapil Shah (6F)
Mayor Brian Wahler, Council President Gabrielle Cahill, and Wayne Martiak, President Middlesex/Somerset CLC with members kicking off June 1st labor to labor walk.
PDO Committee Selects Mayor Brian Wahler and Council Members Cahill, Shah & Rouse
(Piscataway) — A meeting of the Piscataway Democratic Organization (PDO) was held in February to screen candidates for Mayor and At-Large Council. Incumbents Mayor Brian Wahler, Council President Gabrielle Cahill, Councilman Kapil Shah and Councilman Linwood Rouse were overwhelmingly endorsed by the PDO committee members. They join the team of President Joe Biden, Andy Kim for United States Senate, Congressman Frank Pallone, and Middlesex County Commissioners Ronald Rios and Shanti Narra. The Primary Election is Tuesday, June 4th.
Mayor Brian Wahler, Council President Gabrielle Cahill, Councilman Kapil Shah and Councilman Linwood Rouse are committed to delivering exceptional services and programming, ensuring fiscal stability, government transparency, and delivering real results for Piscataway families. They are providing for today while planning for our future. Together, they have worked to:
▪️Ensure the safety and security of our residents
▪️Provide transparent responsive government and regular communication
▪️Hold the line on taxes for the middle class
▪️Achieve an AA+ stable bond rating from Standard and Poor’s. and Moody’s meaning our finances are strong
▪️Build our beautiful new Community Center at no cost to resident taxpayers
▪️Continue to improve our winning Senior Center recognized by AARP with upgraded computer lab
▪️Have our township named Money Magazine Best Place to Live in America & Sports Illustrated Sportstown USA
▪️Provide FREE concerts in the park, youth recreation leagues, and many other events
▪️Implement green initiatives to combat climate change
▪️Upgrade all 26 parks with a NEW ecological park coming soon
▪️Improve our roadways and traffic conditions
Together, we have built a strong local grassroots Democratic Party of inclusion, diversity and shared values here in our community. Voting in the June 4th Primary is the most effective way to make our voices heard by electing leaders who represent our core Democratic values.
The PDO committee members are excited to work on behalf of the entire team for the upcoming June 4th Primary Election.